Blinded By The Light

What a day!

6.45am en route to work, creating a wildlife garden for a primary school, Today programme on the radio.

Mark Thompson, the director general of the BBC, announces that the corporation is to cut two radio channels and halve its website in order to concentrate resources on the production of quality programmes. Oh yes! The penny has dropped. I have been saying for years that they need to do just that. See previous post…

It’s not just that I like being proved right. I genuinely care about the Beeb; it’s a national treasure and the envy of the world. Have you watched  or listened to American or Australian TV and radio? If you have, you will be as I am, acutely aware of how much we have to lose if we let the BBC slip away. Well done Mr Thompson, now you have seen the light there should be no stopping you.

On site in the school wildlife garden things are hotting up. Rob the Digger was heard to comment that he couldn’t see what he was digging because of the sun shining in his eyes.


What a blinding day!

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