This Blog Thing

When I started this blog thing it was winter, a very bad winter, and I was finding it hard to get out of the house/office as much as I would like. In those dark, cold days writing was a great way to expend some excess creative energy. As you can probably tell from the sparsity […]

We Are All Swingers At Heart

One of the most conspicuous yet least seen human traits is the tendency, particularly when acting on mass, to swing (no not that kind) wildly, first one way and then the other. For instance, in the world of fashion we move from drain pipes to flares and back, rarely stopping to think that perhaps somewhere […]

My Favourite Materials

Sounds like a subject from Just A Minute. I can almost hear Clement Freud listing fabrics. It’s actually the title of a talk I gave  to students at The London College of Garden Design. They  invited 3 designers who are apparently well known for their innovative use of hard landscaping, each to talk for 20 […]

You Never Know You Know

Well, I thought it would be a few weeks of rest and light work before Tatton Park  Show, but as John Lennon once sang, ‘Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.’ Just last week, one unremarkable afternoon, out of the blue came an email from a TV company. Now I […]


Yes, it’s true, I am back, back in what passes for reality or as near as I ever want to get to that much overrated destination. I have spent the last three weeks, (while Dave and Nick have been on honeymoon), living in a much better place, the surreal bubble that is The Chelsea Flower […]